Close to Home  (Winnipeg River and Lake of the Woods, Kenora, much to be inspired by)

Close to Home (Winnipeg River and Lake of the Woods, Kenora, much to be inspired by)

This summer I moved to a new studio and home, on the beautiful Winnipeg River, right across from Keewatin and Lake of the Woods, 10 minutes to downtown Kenora, Ontario. It instantly felt like home! The space, the nature, the view, the workshop-turned-studio! All summer I went paddle boarding with Luna, (my little havanese dog) around this gorgeous island in front of our place. I saw it from all different angles and at all different times of the day. The whole summer I soaked it in, letting it marinate, enjoying the sensations of just being there, listening, watching, finding moments of joy.

When it was time for bigger work in the studio, it was the first thing I wanted to paint! And so, I created three paintings: "Sun-drenched", "Let's Swim Across" and "Last Light, Golden Hour" representing the three sides of this beautiful island that I fell in love with, at three different times of day: Sparkle Hour, Morning, and Sunset. I'm sure it won't be the last time that island is painted, as well as the area surrounding it. It's the stuff you see everyday that you get to know, that makes a connection to your heart, and that ultimately gets painted. I love that I am surrounded by this, that I made the choice to be here, and got lucky enough to live within the things I am drawn to.

It also made me realize that I don't have to travel far from home to find inspiration. JEH McDonald put it best; "The most important thing a painter can do is find a good place to sit." From that settled place, all it takes is slowing your mind and turning your head to find inspiration. But I like this one better... "Sometimes you need to sit in the wrong place to see the right view." (-Craig Stone) It's true on so many levels... perspective clarifies.

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